Every person‘s cancer requires a unique treatment plan. The amount of information initially shared can be particularly overwhelming. Our Advanced Care Oncology & Hematology Associates practitioners highly recommend creating a Strategies  Notebook that can add a sense of control, and document pivotal breakthroughs. It is also prudent to be accompanied by a loved one, especially during the early important decision making appointments with our doctors; someone who can take notes, and even ask questions when delicate moments may arise that sometimes cause patients to lose their ability to speak up.

As one of the Top Cancer Treatment Centers of NJ and a First Rated NJ Cancer Center, our Oncologist and Hematologist specialists of New Jersey thrive to take the fear out of the tough answers and questions. Our unique ability of keeping things light-hearted has proven to be very cathartic, and noted magnificently by our patients. As our patients absorb and work through their treatment options, our goal is to help them keep their lives as “normal” as possible.

Freezing up at a doctor’s appointment is not unusual. Patients have a relatively small window, and often walk out of the office and instantly remember the one question they didn’t ask. This is why keeping a dedicated “Strategies Notebook” with all doctor’s notes, and jotting down questions that pop up between appointments is a sensible idea. This is a great way for patients and their families to not forget anything, and it helps the patient feel like they have a sense of control and empowerment.

There’s a misconception that you never question a doctor, ever. And yet, with a critical diagnosis like cancer, asking questions is not only acceptable, at Advanced Care Oncology and Hematology Associates, in concert with the Top 10 Cancer Centers of NJ, it is highly encouraged. As targeted therapies for a multitude of cancers emerge at a record-breaking pace, the most up-to-date information gained from clinical trial evidence revealing these strategies has intensified treatment options that our Top Rated NJ Cancer Center respects highly. When patients are newly diagnosed, it is imperative that they become an active participant in the discussions to ensure the most successful outcomes. Patients go from doctor to another doctor, from the radiologist to a surgeon and then on to in an oncologist; each doctor is responsible for a different aspect of your cancer care. Finding your voice and becoming an active participant in your cancer treatment with your “Strategies Notebook” will empower you and make cancer a little less scary. Our Top Rated Cancer Centers of NJ, Oncologist and Hematologist specialists are even apt to make personal entries within them for you, in handwriting you can actually understand!